The following are just a handful of issues that I help people with the most often.

You crave authentic connection, where it is safe to let your guard down with another person, however, there may be a pervasive belief that if they truly knew the real you, they will leave or reject you. Do you feel deserving of a healthy, satisfying relationship? You may find that relationships lead to dissociation – as if you have drifted off onto a cloud somewhere – which may even happen mid conversation. On one hand, you long for closeness, but on the other, you may sever it by ghosting them, or push it away by finding reasons to dislike them. One minute, you get good vibes from a person, but the next you’re suspicious and sceptical of them. Attachment injuries can be healed. Counselling is an incredibly courageous step towards this as you risk entering into a vulnerable, but therapeutic relationship. Thank you in advanced for your trust.

Trauma does not only arise from extreme or continuously difficult experiences. Attachment trauma can also emerge from occasional episodes of neglect or abuse during childhood. It is harder to identify how the chronic mismanagement of feelings can deeply affect a child dependent on adults to care for, and contain them. But it is traumatic for a child when they are in need of comfort, reassurance and safety and do not get it. This can result in a feeling of uncertainty of your worth, your right to exist, and confusion because there may never have been overt abuse. By giving your child self a voice, we can work towards you becoming responsive to your needs, and re-parent the child self.

It is almost like you are living a double life; you show up in one way to the world, and underneath that, you're experiencing an undercurrent of general to specific worries. It shows up in the body as tension, clenching the jaw, to aches and pains. It may be subtle, barely detectable, almost normal, as if you’ve lived and functioned with it forever. It may be more obvious when in social situations, or afterwards as you dissect the interaction. It may even present as panic attacks, or complete avoidance. You can achieve relief, a release of the anxiety, and a lasting sense of calmness and confidence in yourself and your place in this world.

The chronic stress of depression has been likened to having the heating on all day even when its boiling hot inside. It keeps going even when there is no obvious stress around. Every little thing can be a source of stress and the negative thoughts and feelings can’t simply be shaken off. Together, we can work towards you finding your spark for life again. Your brain and body can become a more supportive place to live.

There is nothing wrong with having higher expectations of yourself but we can always have too much of a good thing. When you put so much pressure on yourself to be a certain way, and compare yourself to others, you may feel like you’re constantly falling short. This feeds into self consciousness and self criticism. Perhaps leaning into your values system and practicing self compassion can be a part of your journey towards a sense of wholeness.

Addiction is any behaviour or substance that provides temporary pleasure or escape that is repeated over and over again, despite negative consequences. This is a legitimate, but short term and harmful way to self soothe & regulate the nervous system, or simply feel ‘normal’. Wherever you are in your journey of recovery, you can learn how to nurture, comfort and support yourself. You do not have to do this alone.